About Orchid Properties
Pearl orchid Zambia Limited (Pearl-Orchid) (Trading As “Pearl Orchid Properties”) is a company specialised in real estate development and management in Zambia. As a wholly Zambian owned company Pearl-Orchid was established in 2019 to address the need for more Zambians to own real estate in Zambia. This need was cemented over the past decade when the real estate and construction boom that was spearheaded by the government brought with it huge foreign direct investment (FDI) which saw massive appropriation of land especially in the peri-urban and rural areas, as well as some urban areas thus creating gentrification. In addition, this rapid urbanisation and boom in the construction sector has had a negative effect on the environment with a lot of forests and grasslands being destroyed.

To become the largest locally owned real estate company in Zambia by 2030.
To use end-to-end quality services to provide real estate products in a sustainable and eco- friendly manner.
Core Values
Eco Friendly